Fifth edition
Spoleto – from July 3rd to July 8th 2017
Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio d’Amico’
Via Vincenzo Bellini , 16 – 00198 Roma.

mail to: [email protected]
[email protected]
Dead line 28 – 02- 2017
WHERE                       Spoleto ‘Teatrino delle 6/ Luca Ronconi’
WHEN                             from July 3rh to July 8th 2017 (in July 3rd; out July 9th

 The theme is free. Groups are to present shows created and realized in a totally independent way by current students of the school (actors and directors). Exceptionally also project created by young professionals graduated in the last three Academic years can be accepted in the competition; the presence for the whole period is mandatory as the young theatre festival aims at the creation of an international campus where young artists share and confront their skills;
each drama school can propose one project only;
each group must not exceed 5 participants in Spoleto;
the project must be realized according to the fixed and unchangeable lighting system and to the technical plan of the performing space (plans here attached);
the performance must last no longer than 40 minutes;
 setting and rehearsing: three hours for each group at “Teatrino delle 6”;
synopses of the performance are to be detailed in the description of the show;
subtitles or captions in English and/ or in Italian are recommended and should be sent to the Accademia by May 15th for the necessary agreements on technical needs;
after the performance each group is invited to hold a short meeting on the show;
projects will be selected by a committee including representatives of the Accademia and the Festival di Spoleto by March 16th 2017.
 A jury composed of the director of the Accademia “ Silvio d’Amico” ,or a delegate (one vote), the director of the Spoleto Festival , or a delegate (one vote ) and the audience (one vote) will award the winner group with a money prize.
First prize:1.200 euro (the first prize can be awarded ex aequo)
Second prize is euro 500.